It seems we are taking an express train towards Big Government. The administration is pointing fingers at people who have worked hard, taken risks, and managed to earn big money. The administration insinuates to the masses that "Those rich people have all the money they need, so they don't need help". "If you earn over $xxxx dollars, this tax break/government subsidy/COBRA subsidy does not apply to you". "How could you possibly need help?"
This makes me sick. I've worked hard all my life and have gotten few breaks. Just out of college I ran the magazine department of a bookstore for $5.25 an hour. Did I grumble and complain? No. Because I knew that if I worked smart, looked for opportunities, took some big risks, then in America there is chance for big rewards. Big income. THE SKY IS THE LIMIT.
And guess what? It works. I took a risk, started a business. Pulled countless all-nighters doing the work. Woke up in cold sweats from the responsibility of it all. That is The American Way.
But now, if things continue as they are, what will our kids have? Will they be stuck in a socialized nation with salary caps, government run business, high taxes, and no incentive to take a risk? I hope not.
Like it or not, our country was founded on principles of freedom, enterprise, and God. Our Founders were fighting to escape the big government that was England, and they wanted to make sure it did not happen again in their new country. Let's not forget that.
And guess what else? I know the importance of giving back. Give to the Church, give to non-profits, give to those in need. Ask most successful people and they will mention something charitable that they are involved in. They give time and money. Because many of them started out with nothing and know what it is like to have nothing. They can relate. The hard times, the rice and bean dinners. The things that can blindside you at 4:00 on a Tuesday. The successful people I know are not the "greedy CEOs" you hear about on TV.
What does Nationalized Healthcare have to do with all of this? It will remove our need to be responsible for our physical and financial health. It will remove our personal responsibility to look after our own well being. The American Way is to have options in regard to healthcare choices. Healthcare is not a right. I shop my health coverage each year to make sure I get the best deal, just like I look for the best options for cars, clothes, etc. I could choose to not have health insurance and pay as I go. Or I could pay an arm and a leg each month for a Cadillac plan. It is my choice and my responsibility. Go without, and pay the price. If you need it and cannot afford it, there are solutions already out there for you.
There, I am off my soapbox.
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